Only by such formal undertaking can an unequivocal message of bipartisan commitment to bring the perpetrators to justice be conveyed to the world.
One of the most prevailing bipartisan commitments during the past 150 years has been America's enhancement and protection of the environment.
And it also requires us to maintain some continuity; some bipartisan American commitment to certain principles.
Redesigning our obsolete, hundred-year-old public education system will take a broad bipartisan commitment.
Despite a 30-year bipartisan commitment to the arts, there are those who argue that public support is a luxury we can no longer afford.
We're going to wreck 25 years of bipartisan commitment to preserving our environment.
Every Republican and Democrat in Congress ought to reflect on the need for a bipartisan commitment to this goal.
Profound changes have been taking place in American foreign policy, reversing consistent bipartisan commitments that for more than two centuries have earned our nation greatness.
This cannot be done without a genuine, national, bipartisan commitment to excellence and without a willingness to dramatically alter our system of education.
At the same time, the national Government has abandoned its 50-year-old bipartisan commitment to providing decent, affordable housing for all Americans.