The Endowment has come a long way from opposition between both political parties in its earlier stages to widespread bipartisan endorsement on the Hill.
The bipartisan endorsement meant that some contentious questions, like approaches to reducing the Federal budget deficit, are left unanswered.
Six Democratic judges are in great danger of losing their posts because Republicans have denied them bipartisan endorsement, a tradition for sitting judges in other parts of the state.
Mr. Gregory, an African-American from Virginia, has received the bipartisan endorsement of both his home-state senators.
Once Gingrich started criticizing Romney's record at Bain Capital, the looting narrative turned into one that had bipartisan endorsement.
The bipartisan endorsement insures that it will move ahead, although there are uncertainties about whether reregulation will become law this year.
He is parting company with his predecessor, William M. Blake, in several key areas including bipartisan endorsements of judicial candidates, party housekeeping accounts and fund-raising.
A21 A $400 million bill to help the needy by providing housing, nutrition and health care got a push from the Senate Democratic and Republican leadership, which sought rapid bipartisan endorsement.
But Democratic leaders hope their proposal may keep as many as 50 Democrats from voting for the Republican proposal and giving their opponents' plan a bipartisan endorsement.
The judiciary is overwhelmingly Republican and the Republicans are systematically eliminating the few Democrats on the bench by denying them bipartisan endorsement for re-election.