"My party is willing to work in a bipartisan manner on this issue," he said.
I think that the bipartisan manner, however, you've conducted this impeachment trial in, is a welcome change from the events of the last year.
But the other message from voters, he said, is that they want Congress to work in a bipartisan manner, after years of Republican rule.
Her advisers say she wants to work in a bipartisan manner, but that does not mean agreeing to everything.
He emphasized, "You would want to do it in a bipartisan manner."
We can answer these questions in a fair and bipartisan manner and that is my commitment.
And politicians rushed - in a fully bipartisan manner - to be of service.
The Mayor has demonstrated that he is capable of working in a bipartisan, cooperative manner.
We must continue to work in a bipartisan manner.
The language of the report was done in a bipartisan manner.