For Mr. Bush, negotiating a bipartisan package of measures to help the economy has been politically treacherous from the start.
A bipartisan package of mostly technical changes has already been introduced in each chamber.
The $30 billion bipartisan package agreed upon by the Congress and President is pitifully inadequate.
Mr. Bentsen asked the Secretary today if President Bush would support the bipartisan package.
Her assessment is that the big Democratic majority in the House forged a highly partisan bill, but that the Senate will produce a more bipartisan package.
Tonight I ask the Senate, follow the House, pass the bipartisan package as your first order of business.
Mr. Bentsen said he wanted Dr. Sullivan's response to various aspects of the bipartisan package.
It was a "bicameral and bipartisan" package of land and water federal lands bills considered as an omnibus bill.
By adding provisions to advance the rights of crime victims, Congress steered this valuable bipartisan package to passage after five years of frustration.
His idea was to bring a bipartisan tax-overhaul package to Congress and demand an up-or-down vote.