And they adhere to a bipartite structure in which the first half charts the journey the messenger is to follow, while the second describes the messenger's destination, the recipient and the message itself.
Contemporaneous reviews likewise highlighted Fischer's efforts; the album's bipartite structure was duly noted by Billboard Magazine, with kudos reserved for side two:
The bipartite structure of Providence has been identified by critics as a precursor to David Lynch's Lost Highway (1997) and Mulholland Drive (2002).
They typically consist of 12 or 16 pulses, and have a bipartite structure, which evenly divides the pattern into two rhythmically opposed cells of 6 or 8 pulses each.
The bipartite structure of Sky Island allows Baum to inject ironic and satiric commentary on xenophobia, isolationism, race and color prejudice, social biases, personal vanity, and related issues.
The extended imprinted region appears to have a bipartite structure in that it contains at least two separate imprinted sub-domains.
Just as Content and Consciousness has a bipartite structure, he similarly divided Brainstorms into two sections.
Finally, the tripartite system of accountability is 'amenable to a high degree of central influence and control', but operates as a bipartite structure with 'occasional genuflections towards the local authority'(Uglow, 1988:130).
This basic musical period has a bipartite structure; it is made up of two cells, consisting of two beats each.
The common distal breakpoint is termed BP3 and has a bipartite structure [ 15 16 ] .