The name derives from their bipedal form: they hop in a similar manner to the much larger kangaroo.
It is a smaller bipedal form, slender, clothed in crude, woven fabric.
A pair of bipedal forms stepped forward-walkers-slim, stick-jointed, and somewhat tall.
"One hundred nine bipedal forms," he said, standing straight again.
A werewolf is prone to retain bipedal form in its wolf state.
After the obligatory few hundred million years of evolution the bipedal form appeared, fully mobile and intelligent with acceptable cranial capacity.
On his home world, even for bipedal forms with three stomachs and massive bulk, there were long periods without consistent food input.
The common name derives from their bipedal form.
Pattie dropped from her bipedal form and scuttled out of the transporter room on all eight legs.
I was sure that the Grogs had devolved from some higher, bipedal form of life.