You may have unique warning signs, although many will be common among all people with bipolar illness.
And my story changed because I had a diagnosis of bipolar illness.
Depression and bipolar illness will affect some 20 percent of Americans during their lives, and yet the stigma endures.
She has bipolar illness, which is also known as manic depression, and is on an antidepressant.
In effect, they mistook his bipolar illness for his personality.
But, she added: "Psychosocial treatment for bipolar illness is not an alternative to medication.
Still, nearly every clinician I spoke to said that bipolar illness is being overdiagnosed in kids.
"One thing I see a lot in entertainers and artists is bipolar illness," says Legge.
Why doesn't she just stop taking the drugs that keep her bipolar mental illness at bay?
The technique is not yet refined enough to spot bipolar illness in an individual, Blumberg says.