Scientists at the University of Georgia surveyed bird density and insect abundance in cotton fields in the east-central part of the state.
The washes and canyons provide good habitat for several species of songbirds, and the bird densities and diversity is further enhanced by the presence of the known 24 springs and seeps.
Robertson and Kushlan (1984) report breeding bird densities in tropical hardwood hammocks of 5 to 13.5 species, and between 14 and 125.5 breeding birds per hectare.
In nesting areas on the island, the bird density can reach 7000 birds per acre.
This research suggests that ski-pistes have a direct impact on local bird communities and also may have an indirect, detrimental effect on bird density in nearby plots.
During this breeding season the bird density was approximately 0.1 to 0.6 individuals per acre; outside of breeding season densities decline to 0.04 to 0.40 individuals per acre.
Adjacent and far-off plots had higher diversity, but adjacent plots had low bird density as well.
Studying breeding bird densities in Meifeng Area by Territory mapping.