The bird hunted his own dinner.
The small bird is solitary and hunts from a low perch over the water by diving for insects and frogs.
It happens that birds in these groups are good to eat, and often hunted by gun.
And giant, nasty birds once hunted and ate small horses on the plains of North America.
A few birds hunted for insects and occasionally we heard the bark of a fox.
Some late bird of a reporter stole one of my placards, then hunted the town over and found the other one, and stole that.
Since this bird hunts mainly by probing, a soft surface seems to be vital, and it is important that any vegetation is sparse, and not more than 15-20 cm (6-8 in) high.
But that bird usually hunts only once a day, leaving the pigeons in peace the rest of the time, Mr. Cullen said.
This Starling-sized bird hunts at dawn, dusk, and even daytime, rather than in total darkness.
And she had heard that claking before when the birds had hunted her along the Warlockian cliff.