No birds on earth, not even the eagle or the falcon, were more majestic than these hawks of the west, ranging endlessly over the prairie.
There are exceptions to this, however, when particularly bold, large raptorial birds seemingly range too far into a pair's home range.
Female and immature birds range in color from dull gray to matte black, and frequently show white edges to the feathers of their underparts.
These birds range from 11.5 - 12.7 cm.
The bird originally ranged from Ohio and Indiana in the north to the islands of the Caribbean in the south.
The system allows birds to range freely during the day and be safely sequestered on secure skid houses over night.
Non-breeding birds range more widely, but in general they are rarely met with in the Northern Hemisphere or outside tropical regions.
The birds range in length from 380 to 440 mm.
Some birds range over a number of habitats, but many are found in only one environment.
The bird can range from sizes between 14-18cm.