List of country and regional avifaunas Gives an insight into faunistic bird studies in the years 1980 to date.
"The web of adaptation: bird studies in the American tropics."
At 7 he was involved with his first bird study, a nest of chickadees.
His bird studies range from population to systematics, which was oriented toward better understanding of population segments and kinds.
And for the bird study we had to identify 50 birds.
She started observing bird behavior at a time when most bird study was based on collections and skins.
Initially, prison officials allowed Stroud's bird studies because it was seen as a constructive use of his time.
He suggested that this fundamental religious sentiment had hindered the growth of bird study in India.
The rising interest in sociobiology also led to a spurt of bird studies in this area.
The earliest approaches to modern bird study involved the collection of eggs, a practice known as oology.