Before time began, very long ago, a great bird called Minokawa swallowed the moon.
Would it realize the bird had swallowed a car?
Hard to manage, with his crop bulging as if the bird had swallowed a child's ball.
Participants stressed the urgent need for a vaccine that birds and animals can swallow.
He continued his pursuit till the bird suddenly swallowed the stone and took a longer flight than before.
However, he expresses doubt that the bird had ever actually swallowed the diamond.
However, a bird swallows it and becomes a huge, destructive monster named the "Howlibird".
Some fruit-eating birds can swallow fruit and only five minutes later squirt out the remains.
Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swallows when the ocean can be so cruel?
Any bird could come by and swallow me when I was in gnat form, and that would be the end of me.