This bird, about the size of a dunnock, will have travelled at least 5,000km to get here.
The bird traveled the world in 1992 as the featured piece of a Warner Brothers retrospective.
About two million birds travel this route to and from Australia each year.
The birds do not jump for an hour or travel a km.
As you take off, a trained bird of prey will travel with you, leading the pilot to the best thermals.
Many young birds also travel east, sometimes more than 2,000 km (1,200 mi), but others move northwards along the western coast.
"Well, bird or beast, they travel on two legs and have the running stride of a man."
Within their range, birds may travel widely seasonally in search of food.
Many small birds travel at night when they are safe from attacks by hawks.
What is the total distance that the bird has traveled at the moment that the two cars reach each other?