Ford got to his feet and the birdlike motions started up again.
Granny flicked her head toward him with a quick, birdlike motion.
The males moved with light, birdlike, fast-twich motion, scenting the air and looking for an opportunity to escape.
Barlo shook his head with a quick, birdlike motion.
The little biologist's head lifted in a quick, birdlike motion.
The man nodded his head by repeating a birdlike ducking motion, like someone trying to swallow peanut butter.
Data tilted his head in a birdlike motion.
He shook it out with a quick birdlike motion, and it became a television.
Harbin moved his head with a birdlike motion.
Throughout the exchange her companion had kept his casual stance, following the conversation with quick birdlike motions of his head.