Several months later, the nation's bishops adopted sweeping guidelines to protect children.
While the bishops have not adopted a uniform policy, some have acted.
The bishops also adopted "Married Love and the Gift of Life," which is meant to explain church teachings about contraception for engaged and young married couples.
The bishops adopted the papal condemnation of the 'godless colleges' (i.e. the Queen's collages) but were divided over priests accepting college positions and lay involvement.
In recent years, the bishops have moved beyond internal church issues and adopted pastoral letters on such subjects as economic policy and nuclear war.
Once recalcitrants were removed from office, the remaining bishops adopted a servile attitude, endorsing Ceauşescu's concept of nation, supporting his policies, and applauding his peculiar ideas about peace.
In the past, the ad hoc committee produced only recommendations, which many bishops did not adopt.
The bishops adopted the criminal justice statement in a morning session laden with other business.
In recent years, the American bishops have adopted letters on war and peace and on the economy.
In a June meeting in Dallas, the bishops adopted a "zero tolerance" policy under which abusive priests must be removed from ministry and barred from wearing religious garb.