The Argentine bishops, by their own admission, insisted that the Pope should refuse to meet with human-rights groups.
Finally, the bishops insist that any enforcement policy must be humane, and employ tactics in accord with the migrant's human dignity ( 78-91).
They reveal a bishop listening patiently and insisting he is doing all he can to help.
But the bishops did not insist on removing every past abuser from the priesthood or even from parish work.
But the local bishop, hoping to establish a separate foundation, insisted that they sever contact with their French sisters.
The bishop insists that Angwin accept what he calls his "tips and hints."
The bishop, however, still insisted on a formal act of abjuration, because he had purchased heretical books and conveyed them into his diocese.
The bishop insisted he had heard no discussion of the matter in his meetings at the Vatican.
The bishop sought to heal the wounds of the war, and insisted upon the importance of theological training of the clergy.
When he tried to close it later, bishops insisted of citing the pope to the Council, which he refused.