No wonder Schoenherr can report that bishops in Africa and Latin America have requested Rome's permission to ordain married men in order to fill their imperative need for more priests.
In return, the Scottish bishops requested that the Episcopal Church use the longer Scottish prayer of consecration during the Eucharist, instead of the English prayer.
However, the bishop of Hartford requested that he go on to St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore.
The bishops of Asia Minor supposedly requested him to write his gospel to deal with the heresy of the Ebionites, who asserted that Christ did not exist before Mary.
When the Emperor Caracalla sacked Alexandria (215) in punishment for their satire directed at him, Origen fled to Caesarea, where the bishops present requested that he give sermons.
Foundations were made throughout Sydney and New South Wales as bishops urgently requested staff for Catholic schools.
But James Thrall, a spokesman for the Episcopal Church, said that "there was such great opposition in the diocese" to the trial that the bishop requested that it be moved elsewhere.
The diocesan bishop may request that the Holy See appoint one or more auxiliary bishops, to assist him in his duties.
Parenthetically, the contemporaneous Christianization of Bulgaria was likewise effected in two stages: the Bulgars were offended when a simple bishop arrived to their capital from Constantinople and requested Pope Nicholas I to send them a higher-ranking church official.
The bishop of Society of Foreign Missions of Paris secretly requested that he recant his confession because it only resulted in more persecutions and France would not justified her presence in Vietnam based on religious persecutions.