Catholic bishops in the Basque country have warned that a ban might place innocent civilians in greater danger by deepening the political conflict.
The bishops warned against political shortcomings that are creating cynicism and disenchantment with politics.
Since insurance would not cover it, the bishop warned, "any financial settlement would be taken from the money that is given by the parishioners on Sunday in the collection."
"Don't underestimate them," the bishop warned.
And the bishop had warned Duncan to dabble no more in magic if he valued his priesthood and, indeed, his immortal soul.
Not surprisingly, Frank is drawn more strongly to the reservation church, which his bishop warns him is edging toward extinction.
Seven bishops arrayed him in priestly garb and warned him to recant while yet there was time.
The bishop warned him without hesitation that it could not yet, and perhaps never would, be proclaimed a "holy" event.
He got as far as Durham with his 700 men, where the bishop, Ethelwin, warned him that an army was mobilised against him.
If one exposes oneself to the devil," the bishop warned her, "he can invade one.