Users could provide their own characters to support rudimentary bitmap graphics.
Although the daisy wheel principle is basically inappropriate for printing bitmap graphics, there were attempts to enable them to do so.
Until recently there were only two categories of computer art; bitmap graphics and vector graphics.
Also, I can't imagine that your target has set up robot intercepts for bitmap graphics.
Square recruited a postgraduate student from Keio University to program the bitmap graphics of Will.
A crude "Paint" program was available for $395 that permitted a user to create simple bitmap graphics.
Three internal expansion slots could be used for add-on cards such as additional serial ports and a video board that allowed bitmap graphics.
"Nosy," a camera that randomly recorded people and then displayed them in bitmap graphics on nearby buildings.
The 3DO port was developed by Interplay in 1993, and features very detailed bitmap graphics based backgrounds.
The effect is a standard graphics filter, available in all but the most basic bitmap graphics editors.