The two major bids were unveiled with a publicity extravaganza not unexpected for a rivalry that has featured millions of dollars in attack advertisements and bitter political feuding.
The tariffs followed months of bitter feuding over Europe's import preferences for bananas from its former colonies.
Despite efforts to end its bitter internal feuding, the ruling Christian Democratic Party has formally split into two factions, which are now denouncing each other.
The lower house move came without bitter feuding or Government shutdowns.
The question of motives becomes hopelessly tangled in the bitter feuding between Mr. Kornberg and Mr. Worth.
The book shows how the Binghams forged a new, liberal tradition for the Louisville press, only to lose all that they had built through family tragedy and bitter feuding.
While most of South Africa has settled easily into democracy, KwaZulu/Natal has been torn by bitter feuding between the country's major black parties.
Exchanges were so hostile that race relations in District 28, long plagued by bitter feuding between blacks and whites, appeared headed toward a meltdown.
The move came after months of increasingly bitter feuding between the board and Dr. Metts.
This will eventually exhaust the strength of both empires and lead to ages of bitter feuding.