In a bitter letter to health officials in June, she said she blamed them for her condition and called for mandatory testing of health workers.
There was another letter, a shorter one, more bitter.
I composed bitter letters about how she was incapable of love, how she didn't recognize the gifts I had given her.
"No, she sent her key in with a very bitter letter."
He left a note taking responsibility for his crimes and a long, bitter letter to his mother.
But earlier this year, the two had a falling out, and the choice was rescinded in an exchange of bitter letters.
It is a long letter, even more bitter and violent than the letter on this head of Cyprian to Pompeius.
I wrote him a bitter letter: 'How can you call this a draft?
Shortly before his death he wrote Tiberius a bitter letter to this effect from a camp in the interior of Germany.
He wrote his father a bitter letter, detailing the medical facts of his mother's death and blaming Ernest for the tragedy.