The abundance of pips, or seeds, contribute to the strong, bitter tannins associated with the wine.
Acorns contain bitter tannins which would have been leached out to make the acorns edible.
Chemicals: bitter tannins and psychoactive alkaloids are common in Acacias.
Briefly: sugars and alcohol enhance a wine's sweetness; acids (sourness) and bitter tannins counteract it.
The tea leaves steep in the hot water long enough to extract intense flavor, ideally without releasing the bitter tannins.
An alternative method is to use partially dried grapes, instead of leftover pomace, which contain less bitter tannins and even more phenolic compounds.
She felt the breeze across her skin like a caress; she tasted the bitter tannin of dead leaves, the promise of frost in the air.
Acorns also contain bitter tannins, the amount varying with the species.
Modern winemaking technology has introduced techniques to minimize some of the bitter tannins and ferment the wine fully dry.
The wine is made using carbonic maceration, whole berry anaerobic fermentation which emphasizes fruit flavors without extracting bitter tannins from the grape skins.