As it is, the playwright's failed aspirations toward bittersweet comedy and psychological acumen leave one with a "What for?"
The bittersweet comedy looks at how they get on in the first half an hour after walking through their front door.
The novel is at once an eerie account of time travel and a bittersweet comedy of manners.
But the 70-minute production was not in the least so; it was a bittersweet comedy about the joys and sorrows of daily life.
His specialty is bittersweet comedies, depicting the Cuban society, its roots and its daily life.
(It is also, rather remarkably given its charged subject, a gentle and bittersweet comedy.)
"Odorono" has been praised for its projection of bittersweet comedy.
It's a hopeful, bittersweet comedy and I'm delighted to be a part of it.
An elderly man and his estranged son search for treasure and try to repair their relationship in this bittersweet comedy.
A bittersweet comedy about six lonely Londoners trying to connect (1:50).