Its bittersweet pleasures will end with Halloween, when pumpkin-cut faces sit grinning on farmhouse porches.
Soon, the bittersweet pleasure built within her.
Even Williams took a bittersweet pleasure in visiting the ruins, although coming here stirred memories that he would rather have left undisturbed.
He would never fall in love, never experience the joys and sorrows it brought, nor any of the other bittersweet pleasures of adulthood.
Rugar watched the sultry movement of her body as she left him and thought of the bittersweet pleasure in store for them both.
She gasped in surprise, then moaned under the rising wave of bittersweet and agonizing pleasure.
I hated them for doing it, but I had a bittersweet pleasure at his clouded face.
Lester Wright, who is serving a life sentence, says watching golfers on the course as he rides his mower is a bittersweet pleasure.
He hoped this bittersweet pleasure wouldn't fade.
They'd both slept, but he'd roused and taken bittersweet pleasure in being with her for a peaceful interlude before the next storm broke.