The yokels perform a bizarre act for them with the jailer's mad daughter.
They both head to her place, where they engage in bizarre sexual acts at the bottom of an empty swimming pool.
Yet her presence remained with him, and goaded him into an act so bizarre that he could have explained it to no one.
The punch line comes when the agent asks the family what they call their bizarre act.
His need for friendship compels the man to a bizarre act.
Some women, who performed bizarre acts approved by the Confortes, could get up to $10,000 for a party.
He was capable of the most unpredictable and bizarre acts.
As evidence, he presents a series documented accounts of drug use leading to lewd and bizarre sexual acts.
"How can this young girl be expected to know the defendant's motivations for whatever bizarre acts he performs?"
He'd apparently committed bizarre acts of animal torture as early as seven.