Jude's girlfriend is stuck by a pin in the suit and beings showing bizarre symptoms.
Homeless men have been turning up on his ward at Gramercy Hospital displaying bizarre symptoms and begging for help.
The introduction of neuroleptic drugs in the mid-50's helped control the most bizarre symptoms of psychosis.
They have all been affected mentally by their war experience and exhibit a variety of bizarre symptoms.
On the other hand, it may take weeks in a patient who has been hospitalized with bizarre symptoms or multi-system problems, with involvement by several specialists.
Susac's syndrome is a very rare disease, of still unknown etiology, and many persons who experience it do not display the bizarre symptoms named here.
Music allows Dr. Sacks to bypass the typical clinical accounts of bizarre symptoms and make contact with the person behind the pathology.
Finally, an alert doctor figured out what could have caused such bizarre symptoms in all three at once: botulism.
In a similar case, the wife of a Medina, Ohio dentist required hospitalisation after developing hallucinations and other bizarre symptoms during the program.
Other common signs include bizarre neurologic symptoms in a female within the reproductive age group and asymptomatic lesions on routine chest x-ray.