The black Caddy turned through a cattle gate onto the section of the ranch adjacent the ocean.
I had no idea how he knew she'd be there, but I spotted Bibianna just ahead of us in the black Caddy the moment we merged with freeway traffic.
"You stole a black Caddy..." "I borrowed it!"
I passed all the well-dressed stupid-looking people and was almost run over once by an angry man in a black Caddy.
The man with silver hair was standing by a black Caddy, the wind blowing his raincoat.
To Vegas, with the three goons you sent after him in a big black Caddy with a red spotlight and siren.
The next Tuesday I saw him drive to the track in his own car, a '69 black Caddy.
They skimmed over the skirmish lines where a black Caddy had the four trucks blocked and troops had already engaged each other on the street.
Bolan ran to the next black Caddy in line, saw the keys on the car seat and jumped inside.
Big black Caddies make my sort of friends nervous.