He later pastored both black and white Christians in the American South.
Following acts of overt discrimination (such as black parishioners being forced to leave worship), many black Christians left to form their own churches.
Among religious groups, 70 percent of white evangelicals said they favored churches' expressing political views, while 68 percent of black Christians did also.
Shouldn't Christians, both black and white, also be repelled by verbal attacks on Jews?
A study found that black Christians were more likely to have heard about health care reform from their pastors than were white Christians.
Leaving out white and black American Christians is leaving out a lot.
Though most black Christians are liberal on pocketbook issues, they are social conservatives, speakers at the conference said.
But the prospect of promoting reconciliation between black and white Christians looked far from assured.
Their appeal was primarily defined by young black Christians seeking to maintain their religious identity.
Other cases had demonstrated that black Christians could not be held in servitude for life.