He said black New Yorkers were so horrified by the crime that at first they simply accepted the police account.
For many black New Yorkers, as measured largely by my campus experience, the case has been about race.
Forty-five percent of black New Yorkers said they had followed the case very closely.
Given the health problems affecting black New Yorkers, that's another asset.
"The statistics clearly show that black New Yorkers are being shut out," he said.
Among black New Yorkers, a group increasingly hard hit by the epidemic, 65 percent of respondents said they were very concerned.
In shorter supply on screen are the majority of black New Yorkers, who do not make news.
For example, only a fifth of black New Yorkers are homeowners, he said.
More than 50 percent of the complaints were filed by black New Yorkers.
He was considered "one of the leading black New Yorkers of his day."