A constant theme is how black advancement was achieved through negotiated gains in which not a few concessions had to be made.
The quota Justice Ginsburg describes is a pernicious obstacle to black advancement.
To justify their decision, they signed pledges that committed them to programs for black advancement, and a number of South African companies followed their example.
The civil rights movement struck down legal barriers to black advancement into middle-class occupations; prosperity reduced white resistance to full participation in the economy by blacks.
It also committed itself to general black advancement.
That landmark day, we now know, established Miss Anderson as an early symbol for black advancement, not only in the arts but throughout American society.
"I'm not against black advancement, but this is my life; it's my home," he said finally.
If anything, the Republicans were able to exploit white reaction to the liberal passions for black advancement that Bobby Kennedy so exactly embodied.
Liberal social scientists latched onto Elkins' theory as a rationale for creating policies to tear down the barriers that were impeding black advancement in the 1960s.
Following the African-American Civil Rights Movement, black advancement was also reflected in more common biracial pairings.