Yes, with her stylish black backpack and the medical gear within, Ms. Friedman makes house calls.
After that, he had a number of options, all carefully situated on his person and stowed in the black backpack.
He wore a black backpack bulging with cans of paint wrapped in towels.
According to eye-witnesses, the assassin was a young thin man who wore blue jeans, a shirt, and a black backpack.
The black backpack with the picture of Larkin belonged to the man with the scar.
The black backpack Pike took from the motel was inside along with their other things.
Near his bed, in a black backpack, he keeps his high school yearbook.
"In the white shirt, blue jeans, carrying a black backpack."
Six backpacks, three black and three red, were left.
He wore a baggy black parka with a black backpack attached.