He picked up one rock like a black baseball.
Their success became the prototype for black baseball for years to come.
"Our objective has been to connect black baseball with black history."
For a while the Crawfords were the best-financed team in black baseball.
From 1910 until the mid-1930s, the American Giants were the most dominant team in black baseball.
He came to be regarded as black baseball's premier catcher in the late 1920s and early 1930s.
An active sportswriter for many years, he wrote the first definitive history of black baseball in 1907.
During a 19-year career from 1896 to 1914, he played on many of the greatest teams in black baseball.
In fact, few fans today realize how good black baseball really was.
But despite the high quality of the game, the economics of black baseball was strained.