She dresses in a black and orange bodysuit, with her red hair in a high ponytail.
A giant checked stole was wrapped around a black bodysuit.
He wiped bloody hands on his black bodysuit; apparently the Exiles couldn't spare water for washing up.
Hanging inside the locker was a limp bodysuit, deep black.
Without turning on a light, Grace retrieved her clothes from under her pillows and changed into a black bodysuit meant for climbing.
The stars, which are people wearing black bodysuits with lights attached, mimic will.
She wore a black bodysuit that rose up past her neck to cover her face as well.
He knelt down beside the body, and tugged experimentally at the black bodysuit.
She had on a full-body, black, skintight bodysuit that left nothing to the imagination.
It was the woman he'd mentioned to Jack that afternoon, and she was dressed in the black bodysuit he'd described.