A Federal commission recently created to fight poverty along the lower Mississippi River is already the focus of a black boycott over its racial makeup.
The black boycott of white businesses received national media coverage.
An incident last August prompted a black boycott of Korean-owned stores.
He called for a black boycott of the play.
But I cannot for the life of me fathom the connection between getting to the truth and a black boycott of pizzerias.
But that was nothing compared with a black boycott, urged by some civil rights leaders of the mid-60's.
In addition, the lawyers called for a black boycott of pizzerias throughout the city.
In 1904, he organized a black boycott of the city's segregated trolley system.
Still, rumors flew that Stevens' group was organizing a "black boycott" of the football team's upcoming spring practice.
He also organized a black boycott of a popular variety store until it hired its first African American.