I pulled down a mug from the cabinet and poured myself a measure of the black caffeine-laden brew.
The meal ended with a bitter black brew which the Grad refused, and he continued to talk.
She tasted the black, bitter brew, squawled, and threw the cup at the bulkhead.
I asked for directions to Route 95 and took my not-bad-at-all black brew out to the car.
She shuddered and gasped at the potent black brew, but it seemed to steady her a little.
I sipped the black brew, my body tense, waiting for the tug at my arm.
Dunn burned his tongue on the strong black brew.
I asked, as we drove back up the river, inhaling a few jelly doughnuts and sipping the hot, black brew.
He took a sip of the bitter black brew.
"On the house," Marin replied as he served demitasse cups of a thick black brew.