His tcheap suit of black broadcloth was equally unkempt.
There is nothing less impressive from a height of two hundred feet than a potbellied man hi black broadcloth walking on the ground.
We started down the valley, and we were all dressed for the occasion, each of us in black broadcloth, even Cap.
His dried-up little carcass was swallowed up, totally lost, in a suit of black broadcloth.
"A nice black broadcloth is what little girls wear."
He was now elegantly attired in a suit of black broadcloth, with a white vest.
Muredarch stood up, strong legs in black broadcloth and polished boots set wide to balance easily on the swaying boards.
As the hour neared, Wilkerson strode from his cell dressed in black broadcloth and wearing a white felt hat.
He wore the black broadcloth of the burgher with a green summer overcoat, and carried a small whip in his hands.
He appeared at dusk clad in black broadcloth.