Often it is sold with various seasonings added, such as cloves, star anise, cassia, black cardamom, Sichuan pepper, ginger, nutmeg, and salt.
Amomum is a genus of plant, including several types of cardamom, especially black cardamom.
Amomum is usually called black cardamom, or white cardamom.
Current appetizers include a tartare of yellowfin tuna with daikon radish, black cardamom, turmeric and horseradish sorbet.
"The epicurean can now discern the flavor of young ginger from Hawaii, or the difference between green and black cardamom."
Palm sugar, Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, star anise and black cardamom are also available from this oriental supermarket - or visit Chinese supermarkets.
These days, Jitpur is one of the popular areas for quality product of green-tea, ginger, broom and black cardamom.
Although the flavor differs from the smaller green cardamom, black cardamom is sometimes used by large-scale commercial bakers because of its cheapness.
The largest producer of the black cardamom is Nepal followed by India and Bhutan.
In Chinese medicine, black cardamom is used for stomach disorders and malaria.