It's a black caterpillar three centimeters long that feeds on the mopane tree.
On Long Island the black caterpillars emerge in May.
He seemed oddly fascinated by the black caterpillar, which was now defying gravity as it explored a vertical wall of bark.
One day I noticed a black and yellow caterpillar on a stem.
The animal spends most of its life as a black, spiny caterpillar.
Afterward the female lays up to one hundred eggs, which hatch into tiny black caterpillars.
The larvae are horned, spiny black caterpillars with red markings.
The black caterpillar is banded with white and yellow stripes.
After 10-14 days little black caterpillars hatch.
And his partner, Jim something , a quiet guy with a mustache like a black caterpillar stretched along his top lip.