The flag was designed after the coat of arms, depicting a black cauldron.
A large black cauldron at the back of the restaurant is filled with a delicate sea broth.
A giant black cauldron dominated the harbor from a high cliff.
The story begins in the spring perhaps 18 months after the destruction of the Black Cauldron.
A few paces from her a huge black cauldron stood steaming over a roaring fire.
The chemistry was back, right between them, like a huge black cauldron, bubbling and steaming.
The pilots had described the effect of the nuclear smoke cloud as a boiling black cauldron.
The Black Cauldron is based primarily on the first two novels with elements from the others.
There, on the hob, hung the black cauldron Karl had filled with water after supper.
Nevertheless, The Black Cauldron should stand as a chronicle in its own right.