In the Hamptons, for instance, few celebrities - black or white - have been bigger than P. Diddy over the last couple of summers.
It was the early 50's and the Theresa, just across from the Apolo Theater, buzzed with the constant arrival of black celebrities.
By the time he died in 1980, black celebrities were moving into Beverly Hills and Bel Air.
While black celebrities are far more visible on television than in the past, what he considers rare is any thoughtful examination of real black communities.
A growing number of black celebrities are flaunting new looks and attitudes.
Beyoncé is not the first black celebrity to have her skin tone altered.
He rails against black celebrities who "have a vicious crossover mentality."
Of course, the Williamses have been demonstrating their drawing power among black celebrities at tournaments all year.
His jokes and stories about black celebrities allow him to acknowledge his own status as an anomaly in the mainly white world of alt comedy.