But I put them with the right type of people - black choreographers, for instance.
"How important is it that these dancers work for a black choreographer?"
Clearly, Miller has come a long way from performing in small, avant-garde theaters to emerging as a leading independent black choreographer.
Twenty years ago, a black choreographer might have answered differently by emphasizing his or her black heritage.
It is, however, a part he has been playing since the early 1950's, when he became a role model to other young black choreographers and dancers.
Also missing are many of the black choreographers who have emerged in the last 10 or 15 years.
But in recent years it has become known for its devotion to presenting rare modern-dance classics by black choreographers.
Significantly, all three works by these black choreographers were created before the civil rights movement of the 1960's grew into full swing.
Much recent dance by black choreographers makes room for the spiritual openly and in distinctive ways.
Many black choreographers didn't have a home for their dances, and that was something Ailey was able to provide.