Her mainly exposed bosoms wobbled over the top of her black corset.
The only thing ordinary about this striptease was her get-up: a tight black corset, garters and high heels.
Almost everything else had a cat suit beneath, a sort of full-body black shiny corset under exquisite sheer dresses.
The video depicts Shakira wearing a purple wig, a black corset and high heels.
Five ribs bust, and bruising like I was wearing black corsets.
The best (worst) look was a rather ample woman in a black corset with zips and skin tight pencil skirt combo.
The woman rushed over to a side display, returning with a black corset with a red and white rosebud trim.
Rihanna performs in the same black-and-white setting while in a black corset.
I try on the black and cream corset.