But about 500 black demonstrators held a protest march in Bensonhurst.
The child's death sent hundreds of black demonstrators to the streets.
Clashes between black demonstrators and police using dogs and watercannon created international concern.
One case holds police bullets taken from victims of the Sharpeville massacre in 1960, when the police opened fire on black demonstrators, killing dozens.
Then, the battles were between the police and black or Asian demonstrators, in the inner districts of Britain's largest cities.
Rabbi Blachman said they had failed from the outset to respond forcefully to violence by black demonstrators.
Street to commemorate the footsteps of black demonstrators who were met with violence as they tried to march to Montgomery to demand civil rights in 1965.
The Congress explained that it was doing so to protest the shooting by police officers of black demonstrators last week.
The police estimated the crowd at about 100, while local press reports said there were about 300, mostly black demonstrators.
Get out of here," the black demonstrators shouted at him, and he was escorted away by the police.