For the first time Ben looked at the shining black disc of the matter transmitter set into the far wall.
It looked as if a giant planet was crossing the face of the Sun; a great black disc had bitten deep into its edge.
It appeared beside him in the cage: a black disc on edge, two feet high.
During a transit, Earth can be seen from Saturn as a small black disc moving across the face of the sun.
The black discs that served, presumably, as eyes, locked on him.
He was holding the black disc that Findlay had rolled past me.
Below, the world stopped unrolling because it had reached its edges, and became a black disc against the sun.
Records in those days were black shiny discs, easily broken.
The black disc of the immense muzzle pointed squarely at them.
Perhaps one black disc of your beastly glasses is quite close and another fifty miles away.