When blacks do enter bookstores, it is to specialized stores like Villarosa's they go.
When she was a child in Florida, she recalled, her parents would not let blacks enter the house.
Although the postapartheid government has pledged to help blacks enter the professional classes, it has had limited success.
Before 1860, about 30,000-40,000 blacks entered Canada; many were already free and others were escaped slaves who came through the Underground Railroad.
There was competition for jobs and housing, as blacks entered cities which were also the destination of millions of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.
Through the nineteenth century, mulattoes and blacks often entered into conflicts and called on foreign intervention.
Though graduation rates are up, test scores have not risen as fast, meaning many blacks may still be entering the job market without the skills they need.
When blacks entered the Union Army, he was engaged by The Philadelphia Press as a war correspondent.
In response a dozen strange blacks entered the tent.
He added, "It is interesting to note that this is happening at an age where blacks are entering the labor force."