While blacks may experience South Africa as a police state, whites enjoy a vigorous degree of political democracy that has inhibited real change.
Men become crime victims more often than women do, and blacks experience more crime than other racial groups.
The thought of the Alliance was to bring out the depth of the stress on how the oppression and suffering blacks have experienced.
"We say so few positive things about black families, and this is a trait that most blacks have experienced."
Unlike immigrants, blacks experienced severe cultural discontinuity and the social and psychologically damaging effects of slavery.
While no one will argue that blacks and Jews have experienced tension in recent years, this is hardly the whole story.
Alas, he soon discovers the gulf that separates the images of black people he sees on television and the reality that blacks experience every day.
In New York State, blacks are experiencing the most rapid rate of increase in new cases of AIDS.
Non-Hispanic blacks experienced a decline after the mandatory fortification, but it was not statistically significant.
The survey has consistently shown that blacks experience violent crime at higher rates than people of other races, the officials said.