The adult males are intense blue on all areas of the body, except for the black eye-patch and grey vent.
They tried not to notice the black eye-patch, and after a few seconds he moved on, searching for her.
His knotted ponytail, savagely scarred face and black eye-patch announced to the world a long experience in the arena.
He worried at a black eye-patch and grimaced at her through rotten teeth.
Me, I was dressed as a pirate with a black eye-patch and the name of a certain oil company painted across my chest.
The archery tourney continued and Wulf reached the last four, but was eliminated by a tall forester wearing a black eye-patch.
The black eye-patch was' probably enough, but Bevier's participation in amateur theatricals as a student made him seem to want to go to extremes.
"Aye, master," said the larger, who sported a black eye-patch.
She was wearing a piratical black eye-patch.
I expected every moment your uncle to launch an excommunication there and then at the black eye-patch in the window across the Plaza.