She'd probably knock his eyes out in black fishnet.
One recent Saturday evening, a woman staked her claim on a street corner, mini skirt barely covering black fishnets fading into white cowgirl boots.
His shirt was black fishnet, which showed off both scars and tan.
Mr. X flips on the lamp as she comes around the desk in black fishnets, leotard, and a bowler hat.
Between Miss Arrol's boot top and skirt hem her stocking is revealed for the first time; a fine but unmistakable black fishnet.
A single itty-bitty pink sock hangs daintily next to a racy black fishnet.
Enough with the black fishnets.
Gucci caused a buzz with black fishnets over pink hose.
She is tired of her old punk wardrobe of black fishnets and leather.
Attached to his back was a fan the size of small satellite dish, 18 feet wide and 20 feet high, made of black fishnet.