Old Salome had found a bundle of black fleece and was spinning, thinking of her two sons.
As a result, a black fleece in most sheep is recessive, so if a white ram and a white ewe are each heterozygous for black, in about 25% of cases they will produce a black lamb.
The wool of these show animals is often trimmed to remove the sunbleached (brown) wool tips revealing a tight black fleece.
A black fleece was worn over body armour before November 2009, and subsequently underneath.
Grinning, Silk limped the length of the reception hall and got an overrobe of plain black fleece from the cloakroom off the foyer.
"Well," said the lady, a little of the whiteness of her teeth appearing with the word through the black fleece that protected her face, "have you decided?"
Number 2 Uniform - Black combat trousers, white shirt (with Association logo), clip-on tie, black NATO pullover with rank slides and black fleece.
Grey hodden was made by mixing black and white fleeces together in the proportion of one to twelve when weaving.
Hampshire officers no longer use the traditional police jumper, having favoured a black fleece with 'Police' written on the chest and back.
This city is home to passionate kayakers, climbers and mountain bikers, and black fleece is considered formalwear.