The black greasepaint that many athletes smear under their eyes may look intimidating, but does it actually reduce glare, as athletes have claimed?
Near the hut, guerrillas were rolling black ink onto their weapons and striping their faces with black greasepaint.
Bunny leaned over and tried to kiss DeWitt and got black greasepaint smeared on her cheek.
It looked, if anything, more tortured than before, and the lingering smudges of black greasepaint around her eyes gave her a haunted look.
A Vet in military khakis and black greasepaint screamed over at Tubbs.
Bolan frowned under the black greasepaint camouflaging his face.
The attack on the Domino, carried out by uniformed paratroopers wearing black greasepaint on their faces, was a case of pure and simple vengeance.
Augustino asked, "The ones in the black and white greasepaint, Sergeant- are they idiots or traitors?"
The other offers black women in bikinis and bad Afro wigs; all but one light-skinned woman has her exposed skin covered in black greasepaint.
I mean the lines in his face are so deep they seemed to be etched with black greasepaint.